Code for insert to forum:
Code for insert to article:
EXIF Information:
FILE.FileName | 13062007597.jpg |
FILE.FileDateTime | 06 Октября 2012, 09:36 |
FILE.FileSize | 704.35 kB |
FILE.MimeType | image/jpeg |
COMPUTED.Height | 1536 px |
COMPUTED.Width | 2048 px |
COMPUTED.IsColor | Да |
COMPUTED.ApertureFNumber | f/2.8 |
IFD0.Make | Nokia |
IFD0.Model | N73 |
IFD0.Orientation | 1 |
IFD0.XResolution | 300/1 |
IFD0.YResolution | 300/1 |
IFD0.ResolutionUnit | Inch |
IFD0.Exif_IFD_Pointer | 132 |
EXIF.ExposureTime | 1/500 sec |
EXIF.FNumber | 28/10 |
EXIF.ISOSpeedRatings | 100 |
EXIF.ExifVersion | 2.2 |
EXIF.DateTimeOriginal | 2007:06:13 11:01:21 |
EXIF.DateTimeDigitized | 2007:06:13 11:01:21 |
EXIF.ShutterSpeedValue | 2007:06:13 11:01:21 |
EXIF.ApertureValue | 297/100 |
EXIF.LightSource | неизвестно |
EXIF.Flash | 0 |
EXIF.FocalLength | 5.6 mm |
EXIF.ColorSpace | sRGB |
EXIF.ExifImageWidth | 2048 px |
EXIF.ExifImageLength | 1536 px |
EXIF.CustomRendered | Normal process |
EXIF.ExposureMode | Auto exposure |
EXIF.WhiteBalance | Auto white balance |
EXIF.DigitalZoomRatio | 100/100 |
EXIF.SceneCaptureType | Standard |
EXIF.GainControl | Никакой |